Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Laying the Foundation for Your Morning Routine


term? What if we thought, What can I do today to make this
a habit I’ll have when I’m ninety? How can I make myself not
want to quit?
This is why Hello Mornings is all about long- term
change— so you won’t want to quit, and you will be more
likely to have this habit when you’re ninety.
What does long- term change look like? It’s taking small
bites. It’s giving yourself grace. It’s focusing your energy on
continuing rather than moving fast. It’s the tortoise and not the
hare. Long- term change doesn’t look impressive. Endurance is
rarely noticed until the end. We all love to be fast. We love
to be cheered on. But the truth is that marathon runners run
much of the race alone. They have to have motivation beyond
the praise of others.
Sometimes in our pursuit of personal change, we get so
much satisfaction from sharing our fast, impressive plans with
those around us that we lose our desire for the reward of the
end result. Even worse, we forget the satisfaction found in the
jou r ney.
A three- minute goal may not bring applause, but it will
bring results. What we do daily will invariably grow. So those
three consistent minutes will likely grow into ten, twenty, or
thirty minutes every day. And even just a ten- minute morning
routine adds up to sixty hours of intentional time over the
course of a year.


It’s so easy to think that to live a healthy life we need to make
a massive leap. We need to make a big jump to cross that

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