Why Mornings?
chasm. But, in reality, it’s more like that scene in Indiana
Jones when he comes to a deep gorge, and rather than leap-
ing, he follows the clues laid out before him and simply takes
one small step after another. Magically, as he steps, the real
pathway appears over the gorge and, baby step by baby step,
he makes it across.
Maybe the same is true for our lives. We see a massive
gap between the women we want to be and the women we
are today, and we think we need to transform like Cinderella.
Overnight transformation is all the rage. We want to see the
difference to feel the change. We want others to notice and be
But the only thing true about overnight transformation is
that, just like with Cinderella, the easier the change, the easier
it is to change back. The clock always strikes midnight.
Maybe the only way to cross the great gorge of change is
not to focus on the other side but to focus on the step right in
front of us. Maybe if we think of it less like a leap and more
like a journey, we’ll be more likely to take actions today that
line up with who we want to be tomorrow.
We make thousands of decisions each day. What if we
invested our energy into making each one a wise decision
that lines up with our dreams, instead of focusing on what
we aren’t? If we focus on our daily decisions, instead of look-
ing for a silver bullet, we’ll eventually find ourselves where we
want to be.
The truth is, this is a lifelong journey. The woman on the
other side of the gorge of change is the result of thousands,
maybe millions, of day- to- day decisions. Step by step. Morning
by morning.