Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Why Mornings?


He saw that although we didn’t have a motor, we did have
an anchor. And with his solution- oriented perspective, he real-
ized that the anchor was our key to getting out of there.
He threw it far overboard on the furthest side away from
the cliffs and cranked the boat to the anchor. Over and over he
threw that anchor out and pulled our boat to it and away from
the cliffs as the storm raged on.
Finally, soaking wet and exhausted, we made it back to the
safety of our pier.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could wake up with purpose
each morning and not encounter any storms in life? Wouldn’t
it be lovely if we could dream and do without any waves to
knock us down?
The reality is, storms, both big and small, are a part of
our everyday lives. And from our perspective, it might seem
impossible to have a consistent, purposeful morning routine.
It seems too hard to build a habit.
Two things saved us that day on Green Lake: my father’s
perspective and the power of our anchor. Instead of focusing
on the cliffs and the storm and what could happen, he looked
around at what we did have that could change our situation.
Because of his perspective, he was able to recognize how the
anchor could rescue us. Not only did it keep us from crashing
into the cliffs, but by using the anchor in a creative way, my
dad moved us to safety.
We don’t usually think of anchors as powerful. Boat own-
ers don’t sit around the marina bragging about them. They talk
about the speed of their vessels and horsepower of their engines.
They probably talk about everything except their anchors.
But while a boat is powerless without a motor, it will be

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