Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


I felt as though my heart stopped beating. Had someone
taken him? How could he have gotten so far away? Was there
an accident of some kind? So many fears swirled in my head.
In the meantime another mom, busy with her own kids
and with plenty on her mind, saw a little boy sitting alone on
a bench. He looked scared and alone and was fumbling with
the button on his pocket. She put everything she was doing on
hold and walked over to him.
“Can I help you?”
She knew what it meant for a mama to lose her baby. She
helped him open his shorts pocket, and she called the number
on the paper. A few minutes later, I was the happiest, most
thankful mom in the world.

Shift Your God- Time Perspective

One of the most important reasons we start every day with
Jesus is not that it’s something to check off our Christian to- do
list. It’s important because God loves His children unfathom-
ably, even more than I love my son, and He’s asking you and
me to help reach them. He doesn’t need us to preach from
the rooftops. He just wants us to be willing to come before
Him each day and ask, “Is someone you love lost? How can
I help?”

Shift 1: It’s Not About a Checklist
Maybe God wants you to reach out to a neighbor today.
Maybe someone in your home or a stranger at the store needs
an encouraging word or a smile. Maybe you’ll simply inspire

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