Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1

God Time

others by the choices you make and the way you live the day.
You may never know. But if you take the time to ask Him
each morning, you just might get to be the rescuer who leads
someone back to their Father who loves them more than life
Maybe the person God wants to rescue is you. To have you
come close each day to hear how He loves you and cares for you.
To give you time to lay your burdens at His feet. Maybe you
have deep hurts that need to be healed before you can even think
about helping others, and daily time with God is the remedy.
Whatever the reason, the fact is that the most powerful
thing we can do is build a habit of listening to God each day.
To bring Him glory, to remember His goodness, and to steady
our hearts before the storms hit, begin the day by studying His
Word, praying, and worshipping.
No program, self- help book, course, or video could help
you more. No mentor, pastor, or counselor can more effec-
tively heal your hurts than meeting with God each day. Those
are all wonderful and needed things, but He must be our foun-
dation. He knows us, understands us, and loves us more than
we can comprehend.
He is simply worthy of our time, our energy, and our
efforts. We were made to worship Him, and when we have
rightly tuned our hearts to His, we can be a part of the sym-
phony He is conducting.
If God created us, loves us, and gives us purpose, why
would we face a single day apart from Him? It makes so much
sense when I think about it, but in my real, day- to- day life, it
can be a challenge.
Why is it so hard to have consistent time with God?

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