Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

(WallPaper) #1

“Islamic fundamentalist” society, though, would be debatable.
Muslims disagree among themselves as to what “fundamentalism”
means, exactly. In his book Islamic Fundamentalism: The
New Global Threat, Muhammad Mohaddessin asserted that
Khomeini “was not a ‘fundamentalist’ who called for a return
to the ‘pure’ Islam of the Prophet’s time. What he preached and
practiced was of his own making, far away from the Islam of
Muhammad.”^79 Mohaddessin, writing from his viewpoint as a
leader of the People’s Mojahedin, a political opposition group
in Iran, pointed out: “The first thing Prophet Muhammad
did when his army of Muslims conquered the city of Mecca in
January A.D. 630 was to declare a general amnesty. The people
of Mecca were free to choose or reject Islam.”^80 The Qur’an,
Mohaddessin noted, reiterates themes of compassion and
mercy. This might seem in stark contrast to the bloody
vendetta carried out by Khomeini’s followers during and after
the revolution.
Nevertheless, despite two decades of fighting, confusion, and
the revolutionary regime’s heavy hand, many Iranians have
experienced notable improvements in their lives. As before the
revolution, oil reserves continue to be Iran’s chief economic
resource. Iran is one of the world’s leading oil exporters today.
This has helped improve the quality of roads, utilities, and
education, especially in rural locations.
Meanwhile, the people have enjoyed a gradual lifting of
certain cultural restrictions. For example, journalist Robin
Wright reported that by 1998, a surprising variety of popular
American and European films were being screened in Iran:
“American movies were no longer available only on the black
market. They were also back in Iran’s limited number of theaters
and running on television.”^81
But Iranians face grave problems. These range from a weak
economy to a shortage of usable water. Drug trafficking and
abuse is rampant and growing, despite concerted efforts by
the government to deter it (including a threatened death
penalty for serious offenders). Because of its location, Iran is

Iran After Khomeini 87

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