That’s the difference with Solgar® Full Spectrum Curcumin.
Now, Solgar unlocks
the power of curcumin like never before.
©2018 Solgar, Inc.
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185 times
The complete line of Solgar nutritional supplements is available at fine health food retailers worldwide.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
(^9) C o m p a r e d t o n a t i v e c u rc u m in e x t r a c t.
For the first time, Solgar transforms poorly absorbed curcumin from a fat-soluble to a water-soluble phytonutrient... making it
immediately body-ready, faster absorbed, more active, and more bioavailable than ever before.^9 Solgar® Full Spectrum Curcumin
is s o a d van c e d, jus t 40 m g of curcumin in on e s of tg e l d e live r s th e e quivale n c y of n e ar ly 75 (10 0 m g) capsule s of s tan dardize d
curcumin ex tra c t. E ve n m ore, in a re c e nt clinical s t u d y, S olg ar® Full S p e c tr um Curcumin was show n to b e lon g e r las tin g s o it s ta y s
in your s y s te m f or a f ull 24 hour s.^9 Now, for brain, joint, and immune health – Solgar changes what you believed was possible from
curcumin... forever. Solgar® Full Spectrum Curcumin... one softgel, once a day–185X better.^9 *