Yoga Journal USA — February 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1



Stretch your hamstrings and hip fl exors in these

prep poses for Visvamitrasana.


BENEFITS Strengthens your adductors, hip fl exors, hamstrings, quad-
riceps, and pelvic fl oor; prepares your body for deeper hip openers.

INSTRUCTION From Down Dog, exhale and step your right foot for-
ward to the outside edge of your right hand. Press into the ball of your
left foot for a breath, reaching out through your left heel to stretch and
activate your left hip and groin muscles. Check that your right knee
is stacked over your right ankle. Distribute your weight evenly across
both hips. Then lower your hips slightly, and either stay here or take it
deeper by lowering down onto both forearms, maintaining lift in your
chin and chest. Hold for 5–10 breaths. (If you want an even deeper

BENEFITS Stretches your lats, QL muscles (quadratus lumborum—
deep core muscles), intercostals, hamstrings, calves, and adductors;
encourages spinal elasticity; opens your shoulders; stimulates
abdominal organs.

INSTRUCTION From a seated position, extend your right leg forward.
Fold your left leg and place your left heel close to your left buttocks,
with your shin and the top of your left foot on the mat. Your thighs
should be in a right angle. Walk your arms forward as far as possible
so that you feel a stretch through your sides. Then reach your right
arm across your left knee, placing your hand on your knee, twisting
as you fold to the right side. On an inhalation, reach your left arm
overhead and toward your right foot—the goal is to place your hand

Bound Extended Side Angle Pose

BENEFITS Stretches your upper and lower trapezius (muscles that
run along your back and shoulders), pectoral and intercostal muscles
(chest muscles), and hamstrings. Strengthens your pelvic fl oor.

INSTRUCTION From Downward-Facing Dog, turn your left foot slightly
outward and step your right leg forward between your hands. Bend your
right knee so it is above your right ankle. Slowly work your right arm
underneath your right leg, keeping your leg at a 90-degree angle. Drop
your back heel and keep pressing the outer edge of your left foot into
the mat. Lift your left arm up, bend your left elbow, and reach behind
you. Clasp your left fi ngers or wrist with your right hand. (If you can’t yet
grasp your hands together, hold a strap.) Move your left shoulder back to
open your chest and shoulders. Widen your collarbones and keep your

stretch, begin to work your right shoulder under your right knee.
You can stay here for 5 breaths or extend your arms out to your
sides, staying strong and active in your legs and core.) Repeat on
the other side.

on your foot. You can stay here or bring your right arm to join your
left hand. Hold for 5–10 breaths. With each inhalation, open your
chest a little more, and with each exhale, twist toward the ceiling.
Exhale to release, then repeat on the other side.

chest open and lifting. Turn your head to look up at the ceiling with
a soft gaze. With each breath, try to lift your chest toward the ceil-
ing. Keep your legs engaged, and reach your tailbone toward your
left heel. Hold for 5–10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
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