One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
Begin in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose).
Bring your left knee to your left wrist, and place your shin on
the mat with your left ankle behind your right wrist, foot flexed.
Lower your back leg to the mat, and tuck your back toes under.
Press your fingertips into the mat to square your hips forward.
Draw your shoulder blades to your back body, and energetically
scissor both thigh bones toward each other. Stay here for
3–5 breaths. Return to Down Dog, and repeat on the other side.
From Down Dog, bring your thumbs to touch. Step your left foot
outside your left hand, and drop your back knee. Turn your left
foot to 10 o’clock, coming onto the outer edge of your foot. Press
the four corners of your right hand into the mat, bend your back
knee, and catch your back foot with your left hand. Press your
foot into your left wrist, draw your shoulder blades to your back
body, and pull your thoracic spine into your chest. Twist your
body open, and energetically scissor your legs together
to create stability. Take 3–5 breaths; repeat on the other side.
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Flip Dog or Half Upward Bow Pose
From Down Dog, lift your right leg to the ceiling, and bend
your knee. Keep opening until your right foot lands on the floor,
hip-distance from your left foot. Relax your buttocks, lift your
hips toward the ceiling, and draw your shoulder blades to your
back body. Extend your lifted arm overhead toward the front
of the room. Spread your fingers, drop your head, and set your
drishti toward the top of your mat. Breathe here for 3–5 breaths;
repeat on the other side.
Extended Triangle Pose, variation
From Down Dog, step your left foot to the top of your mat, toes
facing 12 o’clock. Spin your back foot down so the outer edge is
parallel with the back of your mat. Make sure your left hand is on
the floor outside of your left leg and below your shoulder. Reach
your right arm straight up, draw your shoulder blades in toward
your thoracic spine, and slowly move into a backbend. Reach
your right fingers behind you, drop your head, and gaze at your
right hand for 3–5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.