Yoga and Total Health — February 2018

(Ron) #1
YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • February 2018^2525



Aryabhishka mentions Bajra as
strength giving, hot in potency,
helpful in digestion and it also
aggravates ‘Pitta’. According to food
and agriculture organization of United
Nations, it contains (per 100 gms.),
13.3 gms. protein, 5.5 mg. calcium and
35.5 mg. phosphorus. It is also helpful
in diabetes and many other diseases.

According to Nigantoo, it is strength
giving and relieves back ache.

According to Sushrut Samhita, it
is helpful in purifying blood, also
mitigates Vata and increases strength.

Do send us your views at

The consistent effort in yoga is to
build up the right kind of mood,
mental state and attitude. This is
the central thing. If one can remain
in a blissful state all the time, it
would be wonderful. While doing
the Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas the
continuous emphasis is to see that
the end result is a certain valuable,
prolonged state of mind.

After doing Sukhasana, the feeling
should be that of serenity and peace.
If that does not come and we are still
disturbed with the outside world,
then it is not a good Sukhasana.
But if it can come and stay with us
it will change our life. There have
been instances of people who have
experienced this state, and as a
result they totally change their life.

Can we attempt to experience and
remain in those conditions?

The Thinker

cont’d from page 23 .....
somewhat non-physical practices or
guidelines (Niyamas, Kleshas, hierarchy
of duties, motivations, the four Bhavas)
are only known intellectually and
not pondered upon continuously,
and actually applied to conduct and
behavior, they also do not help much.
So my answer to the question put in
the column is: Yes, serious students
of yoga are definitely much better off
than the majority of people who just
swim with the current and walk the
path of least resistance without caring
whether the current is muddy or the
path leads anywhere worthwhile.

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