may/june 2018
Yin Pigeon Pose:
Transition into Rajakapotasana by taking one knee forward and the other leg extended behind. As this is a Yin pose, holding for 3-5
minutes on each side, you may wish to place a cushion under the front hip and bend the back knee in towards the front body
slightly. Continue with the full yoga breath. It is important to be comfortable yet to still feel a current of prana (energy) throughout
the body, particularly in the front leg hip and gall-bladder meridian (outside band of front leg). Metaphysically, the hips store old
emotions or ‘baggage’ (think ‘saddlebags’ in reference to the hips). This is a powerful asana to stay present to the release of stored
trauma within the hips and base chakra area. Repeat 5 times: “I now surrender and let go of the past”. Before coming out of the
pose on each side, exhale fully and deeply out of the mouth 3 times, making an audible ‘sighing’ sound to indicate to your
consciousness that you are ready for ‘Isvara Pranidhana’ (Let Go and Let God).
Restorative Reclining Butterfly Pose with Chin Mudra:
Move into Supta Baddha Konasana by positioning a bolster or stacked cushions under the lower back, then reclining with heart
open, taking Chin (Consciousness) Mudra by sealing the thumbs with the index finger nails. Place the soles of the feet together
with knees dropping out to the side (take cushions under knees if needing more support since this is a Restorative Yoga pose).
Stay here for 10-20 minutes, continuing your deep, full, even, yogic breathing. This is a pose of vulnerability and will be very
confrontational if you have experienced sexual abuse. The instinct is to close inward for protection, so observe any resistance, fear
or anxiety. Move the awareness into the open heart chakra/centre and affirm 10 times: “I allow myself to Trust. I am Safe.”