may/june 2018
repetitive focus, so don’t be discouraged if
you don’t feel it on the first try. Just as you
need to practice a difficult asana many
times before you can access the full pose,
fine-tuning your attention to feel the
bandhas takes time. This basic sequence
is a great starting point, and sooner or later
you will experience an aha moment
when you feel the bandhas in your body.
Pada Bandha
& Mula Bandha
1 TADASANA Mountain Pose
Stand with your feet about hip-width apart.
Lightly draw your thigh muscles up. Inhale
and lengthen your spine and your sides
with a neutral pelvis. This is a great pose to
begin your bandha practice, because there
aren’t many other actions to think about—
you can focus mostly on feeling the energy.
Spread your toes. On an exhalation, release
the outer edges of your feet, starting at the
base of your toes and moving to your heels
without collapsing your arches. Inhale and
feel a gentle lift up from the soft centres of
the soles of your feet for Pada Bandha. Allow
that energy to move up through your legs.
Now direct your attention to Mula Bandha:
On an exhalation, release your pubic
bone, tailbone, sitting bones, and the
circumference of your pelvic floor muscles (a
conscious, soft release to the earth without
pressing or pushing down). At the end of
your exhalation, feel the centre of your
pelvic floor, above your perineum, lifting
effortlessly. On an inhalation, feel the energy
flow farther up. Hold the pose for at least
5 breaths, connecting with the feeling of
energy moving up your central channel.