OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Cotswolds - Cornwall - Scotland - Greece

200hr Weekend Course Cotswolds

300hr Modular Course Cotswolds

[email protected]

"T hank y ou f or g iv in g me t he c on fid ence

to f ollow a d ream."


aruda stems from its love of
movement. We understand
the scope, functionality and
the difference movement can
make in everyone’s life on a
holistic level. We take movement, dissect
it and make it available in its simplest of
forms or most complex patterns.
We coax the intelligent body in finding
its true confidence, strength, endurance
and flexibility.
Garuda is a movement meditation.
We draw from the ancient martial arts,
yoga asana and pranayama practice,
pilates and the different dance techniques
in understanding the space within and
around us.

Garuda was created by a dancer
recovering from injuries to ease the body
back into its fittest form; it is now a part of
the healing arts.
But it would be wrong to define Garuda,
as we are different things to different people.
Teachers are taught to recognise and
appreciate the uniqueness and individuality
of clients as they learn to master the
sciences. Education is continuous and
ongoing; complacency is frowned upon and
thinking out of the box is encouraged.
Garuda is soulful: we create a body
truly connected to its senses and the
environment around it. No class is ever
repeated, nor do we believe in the perfect
shape, as it is truly relative. We promote

the healthy option of the body finding Its
own architecture.
Hence, we consider the teacher the
ultimate guide in this voyage of discovery,
thus all trainings are vocations that
call on deep introspection, learning
and perseverance.
This is not easy, yet it is the most exciting
of voyages that a student can make in self
growth and discovery.
We are an ever growing family of like
minded people that believe that through
movement we make the world a better
place. To move is to live, to move is to love.

James B D’Silva is the founder of Garuda



James B D’Silva outlines the Garuda

way, a yoga teacher training where

intelligent movement is soulful

Free download pdf