OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

it. Allowing you to apply kindness and compassion to yourself, in
addition to your future students. And the varied practices of asana,
pranayama and meditation may lead to a physical or emotional
release that might take you by surprise.
To say yoga teacher training is a journey is a bit of a cliché, but
it’s actually true. And the emotional part of the journey can be the
hardest part of the course: building confidence, removing limiting
beliefs (because you are good enough!), finding your voice, releasing
things that no longer serve you and letting them go. The support
provided by your group and your trainer is essential as you navigate
your way through. Be open to the experience and trust the process.
The yoga community, both during the training and afterwards, is a
hugely supportive family ready to help and guide you.
Choose your training experience wisely, so that you have all the
support and encouragement you need.
Yoga teacher training can be a hugely transforming experience,
taking you from where you are now to where you want to be. It
explores unexpected avenues and brings about lasting change.
Completing your teacher training is just the beginning of an amazing
journey that lasts a lifetime.

Amanda Edlin, founder & course director at Waking Minds Yoga,
200hr, 300hr & CPD courses (

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