OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

5 tips to help you through the course. By Ann-Marie Mainprize

  1. Comparison is the thief of joy
    This is your own amazing adventure into self exploration and
    connecting to your true self. You are a unique individual and you are
    not training to be a mirror image of anyone else. Avoid comparing
    yourself to your peers and other teachers, especially on social
    media. Comparison starts a downward spiral within your monkey
    mind and raises your anxiety to make you feel inferior. Your peers
    may start teaching before you do or may be more advanced in
    asana practice: know that this does not demonstrate that they are
    an effective teacher. Being an effective teacher comes from within
    your heart and your true self and your intentions.

  2. Feel the fear and ride the nerves
    It is 100% normal to feel anxious and nervous leading up to
    commencing your teacher training course and on the first day the
    nerves within the group are through the roof. Know that your peers
    are feeling exactly the same fears and worries as you are. These
    fears and anxieties will continue to raise their ugly head whenever
    you are pushed out of your comfort zone – teaching your first micro
    teach will feel so scary. If you allowed your anxiety to control you,
    you probably wouldn’t have clicked submit when you completed
    your teacher training application. Fear and anxiety will stop you from
    achieving anything within your heart’s desire if you allow it to. On
    the other side of fear and nerves is complete joy and exhilaration,
    so embrace the bravery and strength within you, believe in yourself
    and ride those nerves.

  3. Embrace the obstacles
    You can guarantee as you embark on your teacher training that
    many obstacles will cross your path to test your resilience and inner
    strength. Ultimately, it’s your decision whether you choose to let

Student Survival guide

these obstacles stop you in your tracks or you can dig deep and
embrace your integrity and determination and hurdle right over the
obstacles and learn from the lessons sent to test you.

  1. Connect with your fellow students
    Encourage yourself to connect with your group. Swap numbers,
    arrange to practice or study together, ask questions and provide
    support to your peers. Connecting allows us to feel supported and
    when we feel supported, we are more open to express how we feel.
    At some point everyone will shift emotions and open up fears and
    past, unresolved issues that may be buried deep down. With the
    support of your peers and fellow trainees behind you it allows you to
    process and release, develop and grow and connect deeper to your
    inner spirit.

  2. Keep a journal
    Journaling your thoughts, emotions and feelings enables you to
    develop your inner voice and intuition. Expressing yourself in any
    way strengthens your ability to communicate and teach. Journaling
    also acts as a cathartic release and will enable you to process
    your thoughts and feelings realistically without analysing yourself.
    What you write down might not make sense at the time but as you
    progress and develop you will understand the words with clarity and
    deep sentiment.

Always connect to your roots, trust your instincts and listen to
your heart.

Ann-Marie Mainprize is a senior Yoga Alliance Professionals teacher
trainer in East Yorkshire (
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