OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Amy Clay shares essential tips to getting the most

from your teacher training experience

1 Prepare wisely
The pre-training reading list is a guide and will allow you to rock
up with some background knowledge and arrive in the ‘yogi zone’.
Pre-course homework and reading is meant to be enjoyable so
instead of cramming it in and learning the sutras off by heart just
take small ‘time outs’ in your week...15 minutes with a cup of tea to
curl up with your books here and there will be super beneficial. Top
tip: Download the audio book of Bhagavad Gita! Two or three weeks
before the training begins, remind your family, clients and work
colleagues about your training. You could let them know you will be

5 things to help you

through your course

out of contact unless it is an emergency – this will help them give
you space during your course to truly delve into the experience. We
encourage our teacher trainees to take a digital detox from their
emails, texting and social media during the yoga teacher training.
Think ahead for your meals and gather up simple healthy foods to
have at your fingertips. In the run-up to your training get into a daily
practice of asanas and meditation. The idea is to arrive rested and
ready to absorb the experience, so don’t overdo it reaching for the
advanced yogi poses – just keep it simple and consistent.
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