OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Developing your own personal teaching style. By Vidya Heisel

Finding your inner voice


et’s face it, ‘there is nothing new under the sun’, so we
are unlikely to be completely unique and different in our
teaching style - and nor do we need to be. What we do
need to be is authentically ourselves and not trying to
live up to an idea or an ideal. Sometimes yoga teachers
adopt sing-songy and hypnotic voices, which do not allow their
personalities to shine through.
My recommendation for newer teachers is to develop a good
teaching style based on what you personally like about your
favourite teachers. Really pay attention to what it is you like about
them and try to imitate that. In the end, everything we teach will
likely be a winning combination of all of our best teachers. Pick up
clear and precise cuing from other good instructors.
Another way of finding your own words is simply to instruct
yourself out loud, whilst doing self-practice. Always try to say
simply and directly what you are doing physically and then try
to refine your language even more. Sometimes this takes a little
Pay a lot of attention when doing a home practice yourself.
Notice what small adjustments in your own body make a difference,
especially when you are getting into a more challenging pose. Turn

these small movements or tips into cues. Your own practice can go
a long way towards informing your teaching style.
Metaphors can be useful, but only when they make sense to
you and you feel comfortable using them. For example, a couple
of metaphors I like to use: ‘allowing your head to hang heavy, like
a ripe fruit’ or ‘turning all of your attention inwards, just like a
tortoise drawing back into its shell’.
Having a sense of humour whilst teaching goes a long way to
getting the students to relax and enjoy the class. This doesn’t
involve telling jokes or being too laid back but just occasionally
saying something that puts a smile on your students’ faces. This
again needs to come really naturally and will happen when you are
relaxed and at ease whilst teaching.
Smiling occasionally also can light up the class, so don’t be
afraid to make eye contact with a student and to smile.
Use your normal voice but speak a little slower and a little
louder. Above all, relax and be yourself, and express your own
enthusiasm for the practice!

Vidya Heisel is the founder of Frog Lotus Yoga International
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