OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Why become an aerial yoga teacher?

By Gillian Watts

Flying high A

erial yoga is growing in popularity and has a
worldwide community of teachers and students. The
yoga hammock might just be the most creative prop
you will ever use in your class. Whatever style of yoga
you teach or practice, the aerial hammock can be a
great tool to use.
BKS Iyengar introduced props into the modern practice of yoga
to allow all practitioners access to the benefits of the postures
regardless of physical condition, age, or length of study. For
everyone from the most flexible and strong practitioner to the
least, a strategically placed yoga prop can elevate the physical and
spiritual trajectory of the yoga practice.
Using the aerial yoga hammock as the prop can help
practitioners at all levels gain the sensitivity of a pose while
receiving the benefits over time without overextending themselves.
They allow students to practice asanas and pranayama with
greater effectiveness, ease, and stability.
Not only will the hammock help you find more space, freedom
and stability in your poses, they’re also great teaching tools with
endless uses if you get creative!
Many asanas bring us face-to-face with our fears. The prospect
of inversions or backbends may be terrifying to a student. In this
case, the hammock is an amazing friend in your practice to face,
alleviate, and overcome the fear. For example, learning to do
advanced asanas such as headstand, arm balances, handstands
and many more. The aerial hammock can support the student to
overcome the fear of falling.
One of the simplest advantages of the aerial hammock is offering
a comfortable seat to your students. For so many students sitting
comfortably on the floor is not an option. Inside an aerial hammock
a comfortable and steady seat awaits! As defined in the Yoga Sutras
of Patañjali, it defines asana as follows: “Sthiram sukham aasanam”
which means, “asana is a steady and comfortable seat.” The Sutras
refer to asana in relation to being a posture to be assumed for
meditation, and says little more about it — no instructions, and
certainly no descriptions of particular asanas.
So whatever your yoga teaching focus is please keep an open
mind to the benefits of aerial yoga. The hammock as a prop can
offer so many people adventure, advantages and experiences.
Aerial yoga is growing rapidly in popularity as a prop and as a
discipline in its own right.

Gillian Watt
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