OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Sun Power Yoga teacher training 15 year anniversary

Building a successful school


n 2003, Anne-Marie Newland took
a risk and decided to start her own
teacher training school. A graduate
of more than one school herself she
saw that training schools at that
time were few and far between and often
so difficult to join that she was aware of a
missing element: and that was flexibility.
As a single mother of four with the
need to work she wanted to do what she
loved. She had been teaching bodywork
since she was 19 starting with ballet and
then contemporary dance at The Place
in London and also with Arlene Philips of
Strictly Come Dancing fame. She was
born to teach and had found her purpose
early on.
Having trained with Iyengar in the 70’s,
qualified with Swami Vishnu Devananda of
the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta School in India
in the 80’s, then Astanga Yoga with Beryl

Bender Birch in the 90’s, she was ready
to create a modern school based on
ancient teachings.
So, Sun Power Yoga the school was born.
Now one of the highest accredited schools
in the country and recognised across the
entire world it is hard to believe how far
both the school and their ethos has spread.

Anne-Marie Newland’s personal
“It has been a joy creating my school and
seeing our graduates flourish and spread
their own wings after their initial course
ends. We always say it’s the start of their
course rather than the end! Much like a
yoga class starts when you leave; using
all the skills of mind and breath control to
manoeuvre life’s obstacles.
I often get asked what is different
about our teachings and how we deliver

our syllabus; apart from being a modern
contemporary school based on traditional
teachings, for me it’s a simple answer:
“Be authentic, allow for all walks of life to
join your classes and remind yourself that
a yoga teacher is no different to being a
servant of the community.”
We attract single parents, gay students,
grandparents, people from all faiths,
the unemployed, and the homeless (by
giving a scholarship and supporting their
endeavours to get a place to live and help
them find a teaching job) as well as GP’s,
physiotherapists and sports specialists. The
Yoga Alliance USA, the YMCA, REPS, IYF, as
well as the Job Centre – of which we are
very proud – also endorse us.
You may be thinking that this is not what
you expect from any organisation but it’s
important to live in the world, of the world,
but to see it from a distance too. Lives are
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