OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Providing the perfect hot yoga experience is heavily reliant on maintaining the

required temperature and humidity. John Barker of Humidity Solutions explains

The right conditions for hot yoga


ne of the key elements of hot yoga is to create
an environment with a combination of heat and
humidity that encourages sweating and detoxing
more effectively than would be the case with
dry heat.
The typical temperature for a hot yoga studio is around 40°C
with a relative humidity (RH) of at least 40%. In this respect, the
humidity is important because perspiration will not evaporate as
quickly at 40% RH as it would in drier air, so the body is not cooled
as quickly by evaporation, thereby encouraging healthy sweating.
Keeping the body warm also enables better stretching, so that
students attain maximum benefits from their exercises.

Humidity and temperature
There isn’t space here to fully explain the relationship between
temperature and humidity but suffice it to say that when from the
outside air is heated its relative humidity falls. This means that if
fresh air entering a hot yoga studio is heated to the required 40°C,
additional moisture will have to be introduced to achieve an RH
of 40%.

Given the necessity to raise the RH considerably, a lot of water will
need to be evaporated, which means that hot yoga studios require
a good commercial or industrial humidifier – domestic humidifiers
haven’t the capacity to deliver sufficient moisture to the air.

Appropriate humidification solutions range from humidifiers that
use heat to generate steam, through to high pressure nozzle
systems that spray cold water into the air as a fine mist so that it
evaporates instantly. Similarly, there are many heating options, the
most common in hot yoga studios being gas or electric warm air
heaters, or infra-red radiant panels.
The important thing is that the chosen solution suits the size
of the studio, the nature of the building and its utilities, variation
in occupancy and the space available for the humidification
Very often the simplest and most cost-effective solution will be
to use an all-in-one unit, specially designed for hot yoga studios,
that combines heating, humidification and air filtration, with
optional heat recovery.
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