OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

Overcome those self-doubts and embrace the teacher training journey,

says Judy Hirsh Sampath

You are enough


o you have dreams of becoming a yoga teacher
or a yoga therapist? When you experience the
immeasurable power and magic of yoga, how it has
become an ally in getting you through the difficulties
life throws at you...and you have first hand
experience of the miracle of the body to repair and heal itself...and
you have deep gratitude for having yoga in your’s natural to
want to share it with others

Is there something getting in the way?
I hear a lot of excitement and good intentions from people thinking
about training to become teachers and therapists, but there is often
the self-doubt part, the inner critic that comes forward: “I don’t know
enough”, “My postures aren’t perfect enough”, “I don’t have enough

confidence”, “What gives me the authority to teach others?”
Reading between the lines is, “Even though I am already
successful in other areas of my life – whether as a school teacher,
manager, leader, parent, speaker, healer, human being – I am not
confident enough about my postures, my knowledge, or myself to
be a successful yoga teacher.”
Just imagine if you could empower yourself and others to
be enough!
To address the above doubts, training courses are not only to
gain knowledge and acquire skills but to learn how to apply them.
By the end of the training, you should have more than a certificate:
you should have the confidence to take your own yoga out into the
world and then use all your skills to educate others to do the same.
A thoughtfully created teacher training course will foster the
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