OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

om yoga ttg2018

teacher within you, the teacher that you want to become. You get
to deepen your experience and understanding of practices you’ve
learnt that have meaning for you, and to explore new terrain in the
safe hands of professional and encouraging educators.
Some aspects you will take to like a duck to water and others
are what we like to call ‘growing edges’ – where you feel a bit more
like a duck on dry land! These are places where you feel things are
not sticking or less clear and we all have them regardless of how
long we have been practicing and teaching.
Oh and one more thing - it’s okay not to know everything. If

we knew it all, there would be no room for new learning and we
wouldn’t need to put in the commitment.
So, you absolutely do not have to know everything in advance,
nor do you need to be able to balance on your thumbs or order
your tea in sanskrit – you just have to turn up and be authentically
and unapologetically yourself!

Judy Hirsh Sampath is founder of Yoga United Education, which
collaborates with teachers and therapists to offer new and exciting
courses and trainings in all things yoga (

om yoga ttg2018

Just imagine if you

could empower

yourself and others

to be enough!

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