Introduction ix
How to use the forms of prayer
For prayer
These forms are written for you to pray, not simply to read; there is a
considerable difference. They are a resource with one purpose only;
to enable you as a Christian believer to engage with God privately,
deeply and regularly. If they do not serve that purpose, then it is
better to look elsewhere for your method in prayer.
The morning Office prayers, with psalms and readings, would take 30
minutes to pray. However, while retaining the overall structure, you
might use some of the prayers rather than all of them, perhaps only one
from each section. Space for your own responses is essential and an
ellipsis (..... .) indicates places where you might spend time before God.
The Lord’s Prayer
This may be said each day. With these words the Christian at prayer
stands in the very presence of Jesus, using his phrases and sharing
fellowship with the Father which is only possible through him. Its use
establishes all prayer as joined to his perfect offering and intercession.
According to your need
You might use the 28 forms in rotation, one each day for four weeks
before returning to the beginning. Or you might stay for a time with
one form, using it selectively for a week or more, then moving to the
next. Whenever a particular form ceases to serve true prayer, it is
wise to change the method.