Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1

Benedictine prayer 31

The Word of God

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the true source of all light and wisdom:
enlighten the darkness of my mind with the shining rays of your
brightness. I set aside self-seeking and foolish pride and turn my
heart to you so I may hear and obey your word. Amen.^109

Set readings

Living God, by your Holy Spirit who lives in me, purify my heart to
seek your perfect will. Make my life fruitful as I obey your word and
may the inward flowing of the water of life continually strengthen and
refresh me, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.^110


Free prayer, or...

Lord, in your mercy you have promised to open your ears to the
prayers of those who call on you. Teach me to ask only for those
things which please you, so that as I seek your glory you may answer
and work through me this day, through Christ our Lord. Amen.^111

I pray for myself and for those dear to me......
Holy God, in your mercy, give us the grace at all times to think
and to do what is right in your sight; that we, who apart from you
could not even have our being, may live only to fulfill your holy will,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.^112

I pray for my community and neighbours......
Gracious God, you long for everyone to be saved and come to the
knowledge of the truth. Send out workers into your harvest; empower
them to speak your word with all confidence, so that your gospel
word may spread and be honoured; and that all nations may know
you, the one true God, and the saviour you have sent, Jesus Christ
your Son our Lord. Amen.^113

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