Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1


Prayers of Julian of Norwich

The Morning Office


Lord I praise you, for love is your meaning in everything. Before you
made us, you loved us, and your love was never quenched nor ever
shall be. And in this love you have done all your work, and in this
love you have made all things profitable to us. In this love our life
is everlasting. For this love revealed you are to be praised for ever,
through our saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.^131

Merciful God, my failing is dreadful, my falling is shameful, and my
dying is sorrowful. But I come in gratitude because your sweet eye of
pity and love never leaves me nor do you cease the working of mercy
and grace. I plead your mercy, compassionate with the tender love of
motherhood, and I receive your grace, given in royal lordship. Work
in mercy; securing, sustaining, quickening and healing me. Work in
grace; uplifting, rewarding and giving far more than I deserve. Turn
my failing into eternal comfort, my shameful falling into worshipful
recovery and in the grace of Jesus Christ my sorrowful dying into
holy and joyful life. Amen.^132

The Psalm(s)

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