Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1

Prayers of John Wesley 77

I know that in love to me, being lost in sin, you sent your only Son
and that he, being the Lord of glory, humbled himself to death on the
cross, that I might be raised to glory.

I know you have provided me with all needed help to carry me
through this life to that eternal glory, and this is out of the overflow
of your pure mercy to me.

I know you have promised to be my shield and my great reward.
Strengthen me as your servant, so that your love might fill me; only
so can I fulfil my duty and your command, of loving you ‘with all my
heart, and mind, and soul, and strength’.^257


Free prayer, or...

Eternal God, I pray for myself and for those dear to me......
Lord Jesus, I give you my body, my soul, my possessions, my
honour, my friends, my liberty, my life. Do with me, and with all
that is mine, as seems best to you. These things are not mine, but
yours. Claim me as your right, keep me under your control, love
me as your child. Fight for me when I am assaulted, heal me when I
am wounded, and revive me when I am destroyed. Help me by your
grace, that whatever I achieve or suffer this day may work for your
g l or y.^258

I pray for my community and friends......
I plead for change in the hearts of my neighbours and friends.
May we learn to show mercy to the poor and helpless, especially
to widows, orphans, and those who mourn. Calm the madness of
violence, quench the flames of conflict and breathe on all the spirit of
love, unity and concord.^259

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