Prayers of Charles Spurgeon 87
mourn for him; that this day a fountain will be opened that will
cleanse them from sin and uncleanness; that today some might stop
and ask: What is this? The Son of God in death! Why? May none of
them pass by as if it were nothing to do with them, but may a great
multitude stand and look at Jesus – look till they live, until they weep,
until they wipe their tears away with holy joy, because he died that sin
may die.^286
I pray for the church and mission of Jesus Christ in all places......
God my Father, bless the tired and those that have loved ones very
ill; Lord, comfort and sustain them under the great trouble of seeing
others suffer. Remember those who are themselves ill; especially help
those who are depressed in spirit. There are among your own people
plants that grow in the shade. Remember the man of a sorrowful
spirit, and the woman of a sad heart. Lift up the light of your face on
your people and may they no longer be sad; in the mighty sovereign
name of Jesus.^287
I pray for all in authority and for the needs of the world......
God Almighty let the whole earth be still and at peace. God
of infinite mercy turn human minds from the sins that breed the
cruelties and wickedness of war and bring peace of heart with God
and peace with others. Oh for the Kingdom and the coming – that
Christ himself would soon appear. But if he delays in mercy till
people repent, then come divine Spirit and lead them to repentance.
Let the elect be gathered together and your divine purpose be
Our Father......