june / july 2018
Guests are greeted in an ambrosial sanctum
comprising spacious coconut husk roof hut
structures strewn over lush gardens and well-
maintained courtyards teeming with vibrant
tropical flora and fauna.
I felt as if I was walking through an enchanted
Smurf village that had been given an authentic
Balinese makeover. An amazing experience I
had at the Fivelements was the highly popular
Agnihotra fire purification ceremony that is
led by an experienced Balinese priest. Other
notable activities included water hydrotherapy,
djembe drum jamming sessions, spiritual
Aikido, as well as holistic yoga sessions at the
two purpose built shaded bamboo framed
The best part of my stay at the Fivelements
was the incredible organic raw vegan food
which was second to none—a plethora
of scrumptiously delicious offerings jam-
packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and
As a leading healing destination, the
Fivelements appreciates and understands that
food is more than simply body fuel. The retreat
is centred on a philosophy that focuses on
the consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains,
nuts, seeds and legumes in their natural state,
as much as possible. When food is prepared
raw, or only lightly heated at under 48 degrees
Celsius, it retains the vital life force and is full
of nutrients and enzymes that are required for
proper digestion and cellular regeneration.
Talented and knowledgeable chef Made Tantra
supervises the Sakti dining room with his
decades of experience, meticulously preparing
gourmet raw food using ancient Ayurvedic
principals. Chef Made prides himself with
curating the most exquisite and delectable
artisanal raw vegan dishes for all retreat guests
and day visitors. A gastronomical trip to the
Sakti dining room is guaranteed to make any
raw food neophyte squeal with wonderment
and amazement. Who would have thought that
raw vegan food could look so appealing and
also taste this good?
Luke Elijah is a Singapore-based health
coach, spiritual practitioner and professional
photographer. You can reach him at