june / july 2018
Modify Parsvottanasana as necessary
to find safe alignment in your body.
Powerful alignment
Tadasana can serve as a template for all other
postures. If you can understand and embody
its essential principles of sthira (stability) and
sukha (spaciousness) and find and cultivate these
qualities throughout your practice, the
possibilities will be truly limitless. It’s especially
powerful to apply Tadasana principles in so-called
advanced postures, where the temptation can be
to abandon the very alignment that is so crucial to
success. In these moments, returning to Tadasana
alignment can help you find the balance between
sthira and sukha, which is the goal of every pose.
The dynamic combination of steadiness and
openness that you experience in an aligned
Tadasana can be applied off the mat as well. It can
teach you to be alert and have clear boundaries
while remaining open and responsive to others.
If your hamstrings or shoulders are tight ...
TRY placing your hands on blocks instead of bringing your palms
together behind your back. Position the blocks on either side of your
front foot at a height that will allow you to straighten both legs. Engage
the quadriceps in your front leg, which will enable a gentle release of
your hamstrings. (When a muscle group on one side of your body
contracts, muscles on the opposite side release, so using your quadriceps
will facilitate lengthening in your hamstrings.) Continue to work to keep
the two sides of your torso equally long. Use inhalations to lengthen your
front body and exhalations to lengthen your back body.
If you hyperextend your knees or experience
knee pain ...
TRY placing a block at a diagonal behind your front calf. Start with the
block upright on your mat, about 6 inches behind your front foot, short
side down. Then, tip it forward on a diagonal, so that the other end
presses against the middle of your calf. Often, people who hyperextend
their knees can’t figure out how to engage their quadriceps without their
knees locking. In this modification, the block acts as a brake, inhibiting the
hyperextension of your knees as you activate your quadriceps under new
If you feel strain in your front leg or feel
unstable ...
TRY bringing more vitality into your back leg by practicing with your back
heel at the wall with your foot at a 45-degree angle. Because your torso
will be extended over your front leg, there may be a tendency to settle the
weight of the pose into your front leg, creating an energetic asymmetry.
Instead, embed your heel into the wall by vigorously pressing your back
femur (thigh bone)backward. Feel how having something to press against
engages your back leg muscles and balances the effort of the pose.