OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


Morning Magic Six

Andrea Kwiatkowski guides us through this

perfect morning practice which was designed

by one of the founders of the Jivamukti yoga

method, Sharon Gannon



om body

  1. Downward facing dog
    (adho mukha svanasana)
    From hands and knees tuck toes under and
    extend legs into downward facing dog. Gaze
    towards the toes or the navel and breathe
    for 10 breaths.

  2. Forward bend
    Bending the knees walk the feet forward until
    shoulders are directly over the wrists and hips
    over the feet. Keep feet parallel, place bricks
    under your hands to straighten the arms and
    legs. Stay for 10 breaths.

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