OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


the universe, the guiding force which we
are all part of, the supreme flow of energy
throughout creation. We no longer need to
just survive: we need to live, and we can do
that by following our hearts.

Simply allowing
I recently came home one night and said:
“We are angels, we come here to feel”. We
are in this reality, right now, to experience
and to learn; if we’re not doing this then
we are not treading our path. Think about
something really great in your life, maybe a
marriage, maybe a first kiss, maybe a new
job or a new home, then think back beyond
that event. Can you see the breadcrumbs?
The little nudges in your life, the little
decisions, the seemingly insignificant events
that pushed you towards that monumental
event? They’re there, and you put them
there because that was your path and you

followed that path with love, and the event,
whatever it was, could come to you because,
in that moment, you were allowing it to.
There are many different religions in this
world but, in my opinion, they all say the
same thing ultimately. They all say ‘love’:
love one another, love yourself, love life,
love this world, love the creator. If you follow
everything by living, thinking and breathing
through your heart, your life will be colourful,
your needs met and your soul will want to
cry out with happiness.
Lj started YogaFit Retreats as a place to
come and get fit, flexible and have fun but
she also created it as an academy of the soul.
The retreats are a place to start and progress
on your journey of the heart. This journey
opens us to so many wonderful experiences;
your life may never resemble the one you
know now. The path to being awake is one
that leaves behind the ego, the patterns

our lives have fixed in us and the anger,
frustration and self doubt; it is an incredibly
exciting journey and seemingly never ending,
but that’s okay, because every step is as
joyous and earth shattering as the last.

For the boys
For me, I would like to help share that
message with more men. This year (October),
we will be launching our first Primal Beat,
Retreat for Men. Our feminine essence,
which we all have, is our guiding instinct, the
psychic ability, the intuition. Our masculine
sides help to drive us towards manifesting
the breadcrumbs and our joyous moments.
If you look at the world right now, I believe
you will see that women have started to use
their masculine side to drive towards their
goals, bringing down corrupt old systems
and ending sexism. Women are finding their
balance and shaking off the scourge that
is self-doubt. For me, women are man’s
guides. They show us that the feminine
deserves just as much attention within us
as the masculine. This is a good thing as,
unfortunately, there has never been a time
when man has been so lost.

n Boys get worse grades than girls
at school
n Suicide is the biggest killer of men
under 35
n Men report lower life satisfaction
than women
n Men make up 76% of suicides
n Men make up 95% of the prison
n Men make up 73% of missing adults
n Men make up 87% of rough sleepers
n More than 1 in 10 men say they are
lonely but won’t admit it

Depression rates in our society are through
the roof (and climbing still) and drugs don’t
work as a long term solution. I now believe
that depression is the soul shaking us by the
scruff of the neck, screaming at us to get
in touch with ourselves, to leave self doubt
and the world of the mind behind and follow
our feminine instinct, because therein lies
joy, happiness and oneness. For this reason,
I encourage men to speak up about their
experiences; it is why I am so passionate
about sharing my own personal story. I also
encourage the women who attend our Ibiza
retreats to share their experiences with the
men they know back home, to let them know
what a growing experience retreats are, a
place where you can trust, feel safe and
go with your heart, and simply ‘allow’
academy for the soul.”

Primal Beat, which takes place in Ibiza this October,
is about getting back to our primal selves using a
blend of yogic, shamanic and natural lifestyle and
wellness techniques. As well as lots of yoga and
fitness sessions, expect to spend time in nature,
hiking, or in active meditation, whittling a piece
of almond or olive tree into something special to
remind you of your experience. There’ll also be
opportunities to share stories with the group around an open fire. And expect
a few surprises too: Ivor Campbell-Davys has just returned from an instructor
training in (among many things) fire walking, broken glass walking, steel bar
bending, concrete block breaking and piercing your hand all the way through
with a surgical needle. Who said yoga isn’t challenging?
Prices from £995
Find out more at:

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