OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

Spread Leg Forward Fold

(Upavistha Konasana)

Spread leg forward fold is a powerful seated yoga posture.
It effectively opens the hamstrings, stretches the inner thighs,
and provides traction for the spine. This is a cooling and calming
pose which is perfect at the end of a vigorous yoga practice or
stressful day.

Common Mistakes
One of the biggest mistakes is when students attempt to jam their
forehead to the floor therefore rounding the back. Another common
mistake is when the knees hyperextend by forcing the back of the
knees into the floor.

Travis Eliot is a Los Angeles based yoga and meditation teacher


n Begin by spreading the legs apart. Keep the legs active as the
thighs firm and the feet flex.
n Keep the knees pointing straight up.
n Extend the torso forward keeping the spine straight.
n Extend the sternum forward as the chest opens.
n Students with back pain or limited flexibility can place a folded
blanket under the sits bones.

Sometimes it can be helpful to reach the hands out and grab the
feet. As you find your edge breathe deeply. Be patient and allow
the medicine of the pose to work its magic. In the words of Lao Tzu:
“Nature never hurries, yet everything is accomplished.”


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