OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


ea is not new. We’ve been
drinking it in all its many guises
for thousands of years. It’s
the drink of choice in yoga’s
homeland, India; the same
goes for the UK and Ireland. In North Africa,
there’s no better way to cool down than
with a nice sweet mint tea; heck, even the
Americans are enjoying it instead of (okay,
as well as!) coffee. It’s tasty, refreshing and
can be full of powerful antioxidants and
other health benefits. Plus, unlike coffee,
there’s no big caffeine surge to keep you
wired all night.
Tea is a natural companion to yoga. Its
gentle warmth and soothing effects are
great after a class, or for a kickstart before
you begin your practice. In the morning, it’s
the finest way to start your day; at night, it’s
perfect for winding down ahead of a good
night’s sleep. You don’t need an excuse to
drink tea; a bit like yoga, it’s a constant life
partner. So breathe in, breathe out and enjoy
those mellow tea vibes.

Yoga + Tea

= Happiness

Love tea, love yoga: why a delicious cuppa

is the perfect drink for yogis


Tea is good for you: many teas on
the market are an easy choice for health
conscious yoga fans. A natural pick-me-
up that’s filled with antioxidants and other
benefits, and free from that caffeine surge.

You’ll never tire of tea: there are so
many varieties and blends out there to try
and more to be discovered. White, black,
green, matcha, oolong, rooibos, herbal
blends, you name’ll never get bored.

You’ll win friends: hang out after a class
and drink tea, you’ll soon make new friends
in the cosy, sociable environment of your
local yoga studio.

When all else fails, there’s tea: if you’ve
had a bad day, sign off for the night with a
relaxing cup of chamomile to help you sleep.
The sun will rise again tomorrow.

As to what tea is the best one for you, well,
that’s for you to discover. There’s a whole
lot of science going on as to the benefits of
tea – from herbal teas and blends to good
old fashioned black tea – so take a peek
through the following pages and enjoy the
exploration. Life is a journey: let’s start it by
putting the kettle on.

“You don’t need an
excuse to drink tea;
a bit like yoga, it’s a
constant life partner.”
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