OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


here are so many ways to integrate tea into your
yoga practice, whether that’s just a mindful cuppa in
the morning or as a nourishing drink after class. Two
yoga teachers, Claire Hughes (who used to work for
big tea brand Clipper) and Poppy McGrady, are taking
it one step further, encouraging their students to create their own
affirmations with their tea.
The pair recently hosted a yoga, tea and affirmations workshop at
Cafe Mila in Godalming where participants created their own unique
tea blend and affirmation to guide them through their practice. The
first workshop focused on opening the throat chakra. After setting
an affirmation at the beginning (e.g. ‘I speak my truth’ or ‘My voice
is heard’) and some heart opening vinyasa, the class was able to
mix its own calming or energising tea blend to drink or take home
later. Key ingredients for a calming blend might include chamomile,
lavender, valerian root and liquorice. For a more uplifting brew think
peppermint, rosemary, green tea or lemon balm.

cup full




Affirmations can easily be attached to teapots or cups for a more
powerful, visual reminder, says Hughes. “The affirmations are used
like a moving meditation, before, during and after class,” she says.
After the tea blending, the workshop settles down to a more
restful yoga practice. Then, after savasana, there’s time to relax,
enjoy the tea and just soak up the practice.
Another tip is to use unbleached tea bags, says Hughes, as it’s
kinder to the body and the environment.
“If it’s for the throat chakra, then think blue; you can also bring
in blue crystals for healing energy. And making your own tea with
beautiful affirmations attached is a great idea for a homemade gift
as well.”

Find the girls on instagram at: @yogapop_ or @casanayoga or
check the Cafe Mila website for up-to-date information on future
workshops (

Why not make your own affirmations

with your daily cuppa?

Tea Special

Free download pdf