OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

Planet before plastic: how switching to glass

could help save our world


o one can deny we’re
currently experiencing a
plastic apocalypse: there
are floating plastic islands
in the sea and it’s found in
the stomachs of many deceased ocean-
dwellers. One shocking statistic says there

great glass


will be more plastic in the sea by 2050 than
there will be fish. It is one of the greatest
environmental challenges of our time.
Several big steps have already been
taken to minimise the effect our daily
habits play on the plastic problem.
Microbeads (small plastic particles found
in toiletries that are indigestible by fish)
have now been banned and there is talk
of banning plastic straws forever (8.5 billion
are thrown away every year in the UK), and
a 25p levy on plastic coffee cups will soon
be enforced.
These are important steps, but it’s on a
personal level, and in our everyday actions,
that we’re really going to make a positive
impact. For example, using reusable cups is
an obvious one, as is taking your own bags
to the supermarket. But it’s also important
to change our mindset about the way we use


plastic and why – such as how we consume
liquids. Approximately 13 billion plastic
bottles are used each year in the UK and
only 7.5 billion are recycled.
Let’s make a switch away from plastic and
towards glass. Glass is far less damaging to
your health; its lack of chemical properties
is one of the biggest reasons scientific lab
equipment is made of it. Plastic, on the other
hand, leaches harmful chemicals into the
liquids stored in it. And, of course, glass
bottles can be endlessly recycled back into
more glass bottles. Save the planet!

Do your bit for the planet with the
new Eco-Friendly Positivitea Glass
Tea Infuser Flask (pictured above).
Tea stays warm for up to three hours.
Double walled glass. Only two teabags
needed or loose leaf. Can be used for
iced tea too. Also doubles as a hot
water bottle!

Tea Special

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