OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1
and black pepper help excretion through the
kidney and skin.

4 Mid-Day Comfort/Digestion
Midday is a high pitta time where our
gastric juices and our body heat are high.
After lunch, Pitta Balance Tea offers the
cooling, comforting and settling energies to
the stomach with digestive refreshing mint
and cinnamon. Amla, Indian gooseberry,
and marigold flower petals with a touch of
liquorice is a clever pitta balancing formula
to support good digestion.

5 End Of Day/Wind Down
As you approach the end of the day, the
vata dosha – the stress factor – is raised as
you feel tired from the day’s work. You need
a wind down. The Ayurvedic Vata Balance
Tea does just that. Sweet chamomile flowers
and the ayurvedic herb, Brahmi, calm the
nerves as the gentle flavours of ginger,
hibiscus and sweet orange give you a
soothing feeling.

Functional Teas/Slimming
If you are on a weight loss programme, try
the Ayurvedic Slimming Tea with garcinia,
green tea and turmeric with moringa and
long pepper – all powerful herbs. Garcinia
is rich in HCA- Hydroxycitric acid; the
curcuminoid in turmeric and the catechins in
green tea enhance fat metabolism aided by
the digestive effect of long pepper.

Dr Milind Jani is founder of Pavilion
Healthcare which produces a range
of Organic Pavilion Ayurvedic teas for
relaxation, recharging, weight loss, and
detoxification. Visit:

and lemon grass also offers a most delicious
flavourful drink with low caffeine stimulus as
well as a cleansing effect.

2 Yoga Workout
To support your yoga workout, there is
Organic Tulsi Yoga Tea using holy basil:
gently warming Krishna Tulsi (dark) and Ram
Tulsi (light) are considered as a divine herb
because of their multiple health benefits,
while soothing your emotions with a feeling
of spiritual bliss. Tulsi holy basil specifically
helps with heart and circulation and muscle
function during yoga exercise. With sweet
chamomile flowers and lemon verbena, Tulsi
Yoga Tea also has a calming effect on the
mind. The flavours of liquorice, rose and
hibiscus have a sweet, soothing effect
on the stomach.

3 Post-Yoga/Detox
After a yoga work out, this is a time for
detox: the ama nirama phase. Ama means
toxin, the undigested foods, free radicals
and metabolic waste collecting in the body
which needs to be detoxified by the liver and
excreted by the gut, kidney and sweat from
the skin. Nirama means ‘free from toxins’;
the accumulated toxins in the body from the
day’s lifestyle, work, and diet would need
cleansing. For this, try our unique detox tea

  • the delicious tasting and effective Turmeric
    Detox Tea – made from turmeric, green tea
    and Indian gooseberry (amla) with dandelion,
    ginger, black pepper, and lemon peel.
    Turmeric is the ultimate detoxifying herb with
    multiple health benefits due to the natural
    antioxidants – the phenolic curcuminoids
    and flavonoids. Amla fruit is rich in vitamin
    C and other antioxidants, while dandelion

“Herbal teas are
also very versatile
as they can be
drunk anywhere”





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