OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


’m a Leo to some people, a vata type
to others, and even a pitta to others
still. I may be wise to some (stop the
sniggering please, mother!), I may be
silly or ignorant to others. Generous to
some, selfish to others. My point is that our
ego likes to make sense of the world with
labels. If the ego thinks it knows something,
then it feels safe, it can put it in a box and
focus on something else.
However, in a world where everything
is constantly changing, labels can be
problematic. Especially in relationships when
times become challenging and the negative
labels start to fly about.

Self fulfilling prophecies
In tantra there is a phrase: The role you
put on someone is the role they will fulfil.
The label then becomes a crystal ball into
the future. When we believe someone to be
a certain way, that is what we look for to
confirm our belief was correct.
For example: ‘Bob is so selfish’ (sorry for
readers named Bob!). When we have the
belief that Bob is selfish, that is the behaviour
we will look for to confirm our viewpoint. This
has a literal effect on our brains as neural
plasticity means the brain is constantly
changing to adapt to its environment.
Information that comes in through the
eyes passes through seven synapses
(communication bridges) therefore it focuses
on some information more than others
and ultimately selects the data it wants to
see. Thus confirming how our beliefs shape
our realities.

Our nervous system
When we have a negative belief about
someone, it has an effect on our nervous
system. When seeing the person, thinking
about them, or even hearing their voice,
a potential activation of the sympathetic
nervous system can occur – consequently
leading to an increased heart rate, more
vigilance of the surroundings, difficulties
to relax and digestive suppression. And a
postural reaction too, potentially such as

tightening in the shoulders, jaws etc. So, if
we add all these things together, then it is
pretty clear to see the power of a belief.

Everything in flow
‘Bob’ is a fluid entity as we all are. We are
all constantly changing so when we take a
step back, maybe we can breathe and ask:
Is Bob selfish all the time? What situations
do I perceive Bob as selfish? If I asked Bob’s
friends or family if they think he is selfish
would they have different responses?
The point of these questions is to show
that due to Bob’s previous life experiences
he will react in certain ways to different
stimulus, due to his belief systems about the
world. In some situations we may perceive
his behaviour as selfish, in others he may be
extremely generous. When his behaviour is
perceived to be selfish, maybe we can drop
into his shoes and try to understand why he
acted in that way. Or can we express how
the behaviour affected us as often habits
are unconscious?

I believe we all want to
be truly seen as we are
When we fall in love we drop into the
conscious mind and we are usually fully
present with our beloved. When they talk we
aren’t thinking about our response. There
is a whole body listening, a spacious and
beautiful fullness in the silence of being.
A gentle and attuned holding of space.
A seeing of that person’s innate beauty,
innocence, joy and wonder; those qualities
that we all have inside.
When a person is seen as they are, their
heart can open more and more. When the
heart opens, the nervous system can relax,
the body can soften, the mind can soften,
the eyes, the energy. A dropping of doing,
achieving and a joy in being. Imagine waking
up each day with an intention to see this
inner beauty in everyone we meet.^

Luke Bache ia a yoga teacher, holistic
wellness expert and mindfulness coach

Drop the labels and start to see people as they are.

By Luke Bache



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