OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

Yoga therapist Sarah Swindlehurst concludes a nine-month exploration of the chakras

Chakras: an introduction

Part 9 of 9 - sahasrara chakra

Sarah Swindlehurst/Mulliner is the
founder of The Yogic Prescription

om spirit

NAME: Sahasrara (meaning ‘one thousand

  • infinity’)
    LOCATION: Crown of head, in the middle at
    the meeting point of the fontanelles
    COLOUR: Violet, gold, white
    LOKA (Plane): Satyaloka (plane of truth)
    TATTVA (Element): Supreme
    consciousness, the supreme self
    MANDALA: 1,000 petals, a circle within and
    a triangle symbol pointing downwards and
    a crescent moon within and underneath
    the triangle. The seed sound symbol can
    be seen in the centre of the mandala. The
    1,000 petals represent the frequency at
    which the chakra spins and are said to be
    seen by clairvoyant vision – each chakra
    spins faster the further up the spine they
    are located. This chakra represents all
    knowing and that which has no boundaries,
    infinity - that is why it has so many petals
    as it has a very high frequency. The circle
    represents wholeness or totality and depicts
    the principle of no beginning and no end
    (i.e. time). The triangle shape indicates
    the movement of energy downwards from
    consciousness above, to inspire our spiritual
    nature and to help in manifesting in the
    lower chakras.

This chakra represents all knowing and total
understanding. This is the crown chakra
for a reason: it is ultimate and beyond our
individual self of understanding and beyond
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