OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


Healthy eating goodies

om living

Hellenia Hydro Drinks
Hydro drinks range from Hellenia Healthfoods. A
delicious, natural and fruity hydration drink that
contains coconut water, watermelon juice, beetroot
juice, maca root and lucama fruit in either Melon
or Coconut flavours. Ideal after exercise or for
individuals who work in physically demanding jobs and
need a helping hand.
£14.94 (300g)

Switchle Soft Drinks
A mouth-watering blend of sparkling spring water, apple cider
vinegar with mother, honey, fruit juices and carefully selected
botanical extracts that will delight your taste buds, satisfy your
thirst and fuel your body with natural goodness. Three flavours:
Rooibos, Raspberry & Pomegranate; Turmeric, Ginger & Peach
and Matcha, Lime & Mint.

The Little One Mini Bars
Seed and Bean chocolate has launched its first range of mini
bars, known as The Little One. Four flavours in the 25g range:
three dark vegan bars (Extra Dark 72%; Dark Espresso; Dark
Sweet Orange and Thyme) and one milk bar (Sea Salt & Lime)
which is vegetarian and Kosher certified.

Indie Bay Pretzel Bites
Two new flavours of pretzel bites: Easy Cheesy and Smokin’ BBQ. Indie Bay
natural pretzels include ancient grains, alternative flours and wholesome
seeds. Vegan-friendly and under 100 calories for a healthy snack
alternative that’s ideal for summer picnics and barbecues. Find them on
Ocado or at Whole Foods, Planet Organic and other health stores.
99p (26g) and £2.49 (160g)
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