OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

system accounts for a third of human
produced greenhouse gas emissions which
is a leading cause of climate change.
Livestock production is a big contributor
to global warming, whether that be from
the animals themselves or the resources
that go into raising the animals. There
is also deforestation, pollution and over
fishing which are huge consequences of an
unsustainable food industry.
Destroying marine habitats: fish
stocks are in a state of decline and being
overexploited, the result of both fishing and
climate change. This is a threat for marine
life; it is possible, according to some, that
if nothing is done about this soon, seafood
may run out by 2050.
Deforestation: through converting
forestlands into farms for livestock
production, deforestation is now an
emerging problem; not only does this affect
the environment but it also results in a loss
of habitat for thousands of species.
These are just a small number of
consequences an unsustainable food chain
can result in – but they can be reduced by
this generation.

Top tips for sustainable eating
l Eat a variety of foods: try more plant-
based recipes, choose a vegetarian option in
a restaurant or opt for organic ingredients.

om living

Try to eat a variety of fish species to save
over-exploitation of household favourites
such as cod and salmon. A balanced diet
is not only a great way to get a range of
nutrients into your diet, it can also be a
great way help the environment.
l Meat-free Mondays: for meat eaters
try and make a small change and see if
you can eat a plant-based or vegetarian
diet for one day a week. Small changes can
make a big difference. Ensure when eating
fish that you always opt for ‘sustainable
certified’ products.
l Reduce food waste: As previously
mentioned, around 20% of our total food
waste comes from households. Try to use
up fresh ingredients before using your frozen
or canned items, be creative in the kitchen
and use vegetables about to go out of date
in one pot recipes such as curries, stews
or soups. Ensure you dispose of food
correctly by recycling or making your
own compost heap.
l Eat local produce: support your
local farmers and farm shops. Have a chat
with them and understand their sourcing
methods. Are they sustainable? Is the welfare
of the animal something they are proud of?
Understanding the journey from farm to fork
can help with sustainable eating. And if you
have the space and time why not try and
grow your own vegetables?

Sustainable eating can also be carried into
a lifestyle. There are many ways to help the
environment such as natural household
cleaning products, car sharing and recycling.
With the UK government currently in
discussions about single use plastic, here are
some top tips to reduce your plastic usage:
l Buying loose fruit and vegetables and
avoiding the unnecessary plastic packaging.
l Use a reusable coffee cup such as a
‘keep cup’ when drinking coffee out of home;
some coffee shops will even discount your
coffee too.
l Reusable bags for shopping: cotton bags
are great for folding into small bags, having
them in handy places such as your car or at
the front door for when you are in a rush.
l Reusable water bottles: there are some
great bottles on the market. Some keep
water hot or cold for over 12 hours; some
ranges even offer personalisation too, so not
only are you helping the environment it can
also be a great accessory.
l Opt out of using plastic straws or
requesting them in a bar or restaurant and
try paper straws or reusable ones when at
home. This can save hundreds of straws
over the course of a year by just one person
making this change.

Find out more about nutrition with Sarah
Jackson at:
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