OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

om family


have witnessed and received enough negative parenting to
know that it serves no one. I read an article yesterday where
a mother shared how she told her teenage son that she
hates him. She said she heard it come out of her mouth, and
instantly regretted it. The damage had been done. The reality
is that situations can bring us to our knees, with the exhaustion
feeding our reaction from a dark place of imbalance, anger and
frustration. Sadly, when we react from this place, it is not only words
that are received. These are combined with our body language, facial
expression and tone of voice to create an even more powerful and
deeply felt message. Indeed, the damage in that moment is well and
truly done.
Our role as parents is to be there for our children, to comfort
them, support them and get them through life. Life experience and
wisdom allows us the means to do this in various ways, sometimes
subtle and other times more obvious. The best tool we can use is
positivity. Understand that your negative attitude to your children
feeds their insecurity, confirms their lack of self worth and damages
their growing neural pathways. It is not an acceptable option, but
one that can arise when we least expect it.
So how do we manage to support ourselves in moments where we
are not on good form, yet have to be present and positive for our
young ones? I don’t think there is a simple answer to that but I do
feel that it takes time and a willingness to learn. When we attempt
to be awake in our parenting, we are choosing to be open, flexible
and loving. We have to work at it, until it becomes second nature.
Each moment and challenge can be seen as an opportunity to
move closer to a positive approach. When things get challenging,
it is helpful to take a moment to breathe and consider the next
step. Learn to respond instead of react. Let’s look at some possible
choices we could make to support the process:

I choose to come from a place of love instead of fear.
I choose to see your light even in the darkness.
I choose to take care of myself so that I can take care of you.
I choose to be open to the lessons I will learn while parenting you.
I choose to create enough space for both of us to grow.
I choose to create positive parenting patterns that support your
growth and let go of the negative ones that don’t serve us.
I choose to love you deeply and completely.

No matter how hard it is to remain positive, I believe that making
a conscious choice in a heated moment will bring us closer to
ourselves, and therefore closer to a good outcome. Positive
parenting has the power to heal all of us, seven generations past
and seven generations in the future. By being committed to this
path, we will strengthen our children’s spirits and encourage healthy
relationships with them. There will be mutual respect, positive
communication and growth to be enjoyed by all. So, get out there,
take a deep breath and put on your brightest smile. Your family are
ready to receive you.

Siri Arti is the founder of Starchild Yoga, which runs teacher trainings
and workshops in the UK and overseas (

Affirmations to support your journey

to become more positive as parents.

By Siri Arti

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