OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

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“Part of yoga practice is to connect. To
connect flexibility and strength, balance,
concentration, sexuality, consciousness and
spirituality, so that what may have begun
solely as a physical practice can evolve into
an integrated and holistic approach to all
aspects of one’s life”.
I firmly believe this to be the case and
that this integrated and holistic approach
to life is what people are looking for. Yoga
is more than escaping the many demands
placed upon us as individuals, it is about
us celebrating our individuality. Yoga is not
about competition and comparing ourselves
to others, it’s about listening to our bodies
and working to build core strength, both
mentally and physically at a pace and time
of life suitable for us.
Yoga allows me to improve not only my
physical body and my mental wellbeing, but
also to develop my spiritual side, all of which
impact on every aspect of my personal and
business life.

Yoga built on five key

motivators for me

  1. FREEDOM giving yourself permission to

change and take action. To embrace the
power of letting go.

  1. INSTINCT looking at our usual
    responses and resulting thoughts and
    behaviour patterns to food, exercise,
    diet and our internal chatter. Abuse your
    body and it will stop working.

  2. VERSATILITY in your approach
    and attitude to new people, challenges
    and opportunities.

  3. EXPANSIVE saying yes with increasing
    confidence, knowing that your self-limiting
    conversation is under control. Being open
    to the unknown and unexpected as it is
    revealed to you

  4. AND FINALLY, CENTRED this is the
    renewed sense of purpose and ambition
    coupled with the determination to achieve
    your goals. For me, being centred is about
    the inner strength that comes from truly
    accepting and loving who you are. And
    that’s the part of self-love, the part of that
    you’re beautiful.

I am now in my 38th year, with the eating
disorder behind me, I have a healthy
relationship with food and have spent the

“I knew that I had
to change, and for
me, that would start
with changing the
conversation I was having
with myself about myself.
People can tell you that
they can see the beauty in
you, but you must see it
and believe it yourself.”

last year setting up a successful online
business. My personal journey forced me to
‘meet myself’ and taught me to value who I
am. This, combined with the power of letting
go, the realisation that we are beautiful as
we are and the acceptance of the ‘amazing
you’ within, excite and inspire me to help

Natalie Farrell is a creative entrepreneur,
wellbeing advocate, founder and owner of
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