The Socratic Method Today Student-Centered and Transformative Teaching in Political Science

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43 See also Katherine H. Zuckert,Plato’s Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues(Chicago: Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 2009), 254.
44 See Dobbs,“Lack of Wisdom,”832, 840–41.
45 See Robert A. Strassler,The Landmark Thucydides(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), 456–59, 463–78.
46 Rene Saran and Barbara Neisser,Enquiring Minds: Socratic Dialogue in Education(London: Institute of
Education, 2004), 171–72.
47 Ibid., 173.
48 On the differences between Socrates and the sophists see Zuckert,Plato’s Philosphers, 499–503.
49 Strauss,Liberalism,4.


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