The Socratic Method Today Student-Centered and Transformative Teaching in Political Science

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26 Aristophanes,Clouds, Jeffrey Henderson, trans. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 889–1112.
27 Vlastos,“The Socratic Elenchus,” 27 – 58.
28 Brickhouse and Smith,“Socratic Teaching and Socratic Method,” 177 – 94.
29 O’Connor,“Socrates as Educator,” 77 – 89.
30 Nelson,Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy,4–6, 15–17; Seeskin,Dialogue and Discovery,8–9,
37 – 53.
31 Nelson,Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy,1–5.
32 Seeskin,Dialogue and Discovery, 37.
33 Cain,The Socratic Method,1–31; See also Ian Kidd,“Socratic Questions,”inSocratic Questions, Barry S.
Gower and Michael C. Stokes, eds. (London: Routledge, 1992), 82–92.
34 Kidd,“Socratic Questions,”91.
35 See recent examples, Ramona A. Naddaff,Exiling the Poets(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002)
1 – 10; 21–34; Lawrence J. Hatab,“Writing Knowledge on the Soul,”Epoche11/2 (2007): 319–32; Pierre
Destree and Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, eds.Plato and the Poets(Leiden: Brill, 2011).
36 James Geary,I Is an Other(New York: Harper, 2011), 1–16.
37 See, for example, Bloom’s translation. Plato,The Republic of Plato. Allan Bloom, trans. (New York: Basic
Books, 1968), fn39, 464.
38 Naddaff,Exiling the Poets,1–36; see also Julius A. Elias,Plato’sDefense of Poetry(Albany: State
University of New York, 1984), 209–39; Glenn W. Most,“What Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy
and Poetry,”inPlato and the Poets, Paul Destree and Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2011),
1 – 20.
39 David M. Ryfe,“Narrative and Deliberation in Small Group Forums,”Journal of Applied Communication
Research34/1 (2006): 72–93.
40 Philip Mazzocco, Melaine Green and Timothy C. Brock,“The Effects of a Prior Story-Bank on the
Processing of Related Narrative,”Media Psychology10 (2007): 64–90.
41 Daniel C. Fouke,“Democratic Deliberation and Moral Awareness,”Journal of Public Deliberation5/1
(2009): 10–17; Melanie C. Green,“Research Challenges in Narrative Persuasion,”Information Design
Journal, 16/1 (2008): 47–52.
42 Plato’s comments are part of his critique of writing; in this example, the written word does not know when
to speak or when to remain silent. Plato,The Phaedrus, Harold North Fowler, trans. (Cambridge: Harvard,
2005), 275c–d.


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20 Marlene K. Sokolon
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