Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

Where there is love, there is no conflict, because love is not a structure of the
So a person who would live at peace with himself and with the world must
understand this whole structure of knowledge about himself and the world,
knowledge which is the past. A mind that lives in the past is no mind at all; it is a
dead, static thing. You are living on other people’s experience. Please do see this.
You have not exercised that marvelous instrument which is the brain. You use it
technologically when you become an engineer, when you are fighting for a job,
when you are cheating your neighbor in business. But you refuse to use that brain
in understanding human relationship, upon which all our social behavior is based.
Unless you do this with your heart, with your whole being, your seeking God,
your wanting truth, happiness has no meaning whatsoever. You can go hunting
after each guru, but you will never find truth, you will never come upon it. You
must learn. You must have a mind that is sensitive, clear, objective, healthy, that
has no fear.
Do you want to ask any questions?

QUESTIONER: What is love?

KRISHNAMURTI: What is love? Love is not something to be described. You
know, you must ask questions not only of the speaker but of yourself. You must
ask questions about yourself, which is much more important; why you believe,
why you have formulas, why you follow your gurus, your books, your leaders.
Why do you believe in God? Why have you become so dull? Find out. Why have
you become callous, indifferent to everything except your own personal vanity or
the acquisition of money? Unless you ask questions of yourself and find the right
answers for yourself, asking the speaker questions has very little meaning. But
when you do ask a question of the speaker, share the question with him, go into
it. Then whatever understanding comes is not your understanding; it’s
understanding, not personal understanding. Intelligence is not personal, and that
is the beauty of intelligence.

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