Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

the cause of it, not the explanation or the justification or the denial of it, just
observing without any movement of thought, is freedom from greed.
You live with formulas, concepts, principles, beliefs, ideals, don’t you? You
demand a purpose, a goal, something that you want to attain, reach, don’t you?
Observe it in yourself; don’t take somebody else’s observation, actually observe
it in yourself. You have beliefs, goals, purposes, conclusions, don’t you? Living
in a confused world, living a confused life, living a contradictory life, you say
there must be clarity, there must be enlightenment, there must be hope. Right? So
there is a time interval between what you are and what you are trying to achieve.
Now, between what you are and the principles, the conclusions, the concepts that
you have, is a time interval—you will one day become that. In that time interval
other factors, other influences, other incidents happen. Therefore you never can
achieve that, and therefore there is no freedom in the future. Therefore, when you
see the truth that conclusions, formulas, beliefs, ideals are the factors of time and
therefore they are binding and they do not bring freedom, then you completely
wipe all that away. Then you have only what is left, which is your greed.
Now, to look at it completely, totally, is never to suppress it, never to give
explanations, never to justify, but just to observe. As you listen to a noise that
you can’t do anything about, in the same way observe completely the fact that
there is greed, and remain with it. Which means that the observer is the observed;
the observer is greed and not separate from the thing he calls greed. In the total
perception of that there is total freedom. As you are listening, are you learning
and doing? They are all the same: listening and doing now, not when you go
home. I am listening to you and you say to me, “I am burdened with formulas,
concepts; all my life is based on a future ideal,” which is a fact. I learn that, I see
that, and I see the implications of that statement, the meaning of it—that it is
time-binding, that it brings conflict between what is and what should be. I see
that the ideal can never be achieved, and I see the whole structure and the nature
of conflict when I have an ideal. Seeing the truth of that, I abandon it completely;
I don’t have any concept.
Please do listen to this. This is really most important: no concepts, no
formulas, no ideals, no principles, therefore I am living. There is only greed and
how I observe that greed. Do I observe it as an outsider looking in, or do I
observe it without the observer? The observer is the past; the observer is the
accumulated knowledge that says you must not be greedy, or justifies greed. So
can this mind observe without the observer? When it so observes, perceives,
there is total comprehension and freedom. Have you got it? Are you doing it as
we are talking?
Without a mind that is free, you cannot live in order. You live in disorder,
don’t you? Not only outwardly but inwardly. You try to bring about order, but
that which you try to bring about, which you call order, is within the area of
disorder. So a mind has to have order, and total order is total freedom. I am going
to go into this question of order. Please do listen, give your heart to this, because
it’s your life. First see actually, not theoretically, that your life is disorderly,
contradictory—putting on masks in front of your guru and in front of your
politician, pretending in front of your superior, being hypocritical without any

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