Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

sense of love, consideration, beauty. That’s your life. In the life you live there is
great disorder; and the mind, the brain realizes that it must live in order, whether
that order is neurotic or not. In neuroticism it tries to find order.
Have you noticed that when you have learned something mechanically,
technologically, your mind, your brain functions very easily? If you are a good
mathematician, it functions very easily, almost mechanically, which means the
brain needs to function in perfect order. Doesn’t it? The brain needs protection,
order; it must be completely secure to function properly. It thinks it will function
properly if it has a conclusion, because it sees great disorder around itself, and it
needs to have a belief, a principle, a conclusion in which it hopes to find order,
safety. Watch it please in yourself. So it is all the time striving to find order,
whether in illusion, in authority, in somebody else’s experience, in a conclusion.
It is trying to find order, but trying to find order in illusion creates conflict, and
therefore it runs away from that conflict into another conclusion.
So the mind, the brain is constantly seeking order, because in order there is
safety, there is security. The more precise the order, the greater the security, the
greater its capacity to function. It has tried to find order in nationality, which
brings disaster, because it brings wars. It tries to find order in authority,
obedience, following, and thereby creates conflict between what is and what
should be. It tries to find order in social morality, and that too brings disorder,
which is contradiction. It tries to find order in knowledge, and knowledge is
always the past. So the past becomes tremendously important, or the future,
which is a concept, a principle, an ideal. So the brain is constantly seeking order
and at the same time creating disorder because it has not found order. Watch your
own mind, sirs. Listen to the words and see the truth of it, observe it in yourself.
Don’t you want security, order? But the mind, the brain, escapes from disorder
into what it calls the ideal, or the promise of enlightenment.
So, order comes naturally, easily, by itself when you understand disorder.
Order, which is living, comes out of the understanding of the disorder of your
life—not how to go beyond it, not how to suppress it, but understanding the
nature of it, the structure of it, the beauty of disorder. So freedom is order,
complete order. And that order has come into being through the understanding of
disorder, not through seeking order. If you seek order it becomes a principle, an
idea, a formula, but if you actually understand totally the disorder of your
everyday life and not run away from it, not try to cover it up, suppress it, but
observe it, look at it with your whole heart and mind, then out of that comes an
extraordinary sense of order which is living, moving, that has a quality of
vitality, vigor.
Order is essential in one’s life inwardly and outwardly. Order is essential in
relationship. And the brain is always trying to find order in various directions,
always moving out or moving inward. And when you go to sleep it tries to
establish order through dreams because it demands absolute order, because in
order there is protection, safety. But when the mind, during the day—not
artificially, not with determination, with will—observes totally the confusion, the
untruths, the hypocrisy, the contradictions, and brings order, then when it goes to

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