Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

Sir, why aren’t we human beings happy, just happy? We pursue pleasure
endlessly. Pleasure isn’t happiness, is it? Have you noticed that when you are
happy, when you are joyous, it has come about without your inviting it, hasn’t it?
But you can invite pleasure. You can buy it; you can further it; you can cultivate
it; you can strengthen it. But joy, just joy, can never be invited, can never be
cultivated. When you have joy or happiness, at that moment it is there. Then
thought comes along and says, “What a marvelous moment that was.” Then that
joy is turned by thought into pleasure. Then thought says, “I must have that joy
again; therefore, please tell me how to get that joy.”
Look, sir, for everybody to be happy means that they must live a different
kind of life, a life in which there is no conflict, with a total change in the very
structure of the brain cells, in their hearts, in their minds. You have to do it, not
your environment. Nobody else can do it except you. You are the world and the
world is you. You alone can do it, nobody else. Haven’t you put your faith in the
temples, in the gods, in the gurus, in the systems? And where are you; after these
thousands of years, where are you? Still in darkness, still in misery, confused,
aren’t you? So why do you have faith in somebody else? All that you have to do
is observe yourself, which anybody can do who wants to. To observe yourself, to
know yourself actually as you are, and not say, “I am not beautiful; I am ugly”—
just observe your ugliness. To observe, don’t call it “ugly,” just observe. Don’t
name it, don’t condemn it, don’t justify it. Just observe. And out of that
observation comes joy, which you cannot possibly invite.

Q: In our life there is no choice. We don’t know when we will get sunlight. Why
shouldn’t we use the candle?

K: The gentleman says our life is dark, why don’t we use the candle? See where
he is; he is holding on to his candle. You are doing the same, sir. Don’t do it.
You have your own candle; it may be a hundred watts and another’s may be a
very simple candle. Each one has his own candle.

Q: What about those who put their faith in Krishnamurti? Are they completely
happy? Have they found the real thing?

K: Oh, what about those who have put their faith in Krishnamurti? Don’t put
your faith in Krishnamurti. Don’t laugh, for goodness’ sake. You have to stand
alone. Because it is only the mind that is completely alone that can never be hurt.
A mind that is alone is free. Faith in somebody is all so childish, so immature. It
is so mediocre to have faith in somebody. You never have faith in somebody if
you love somebody—you love. But you don’t know what love is, that is why you
have faith.

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