Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

have said? And how do you know that what others have said, no matter who they
are, is true? How do you know? So why do you accept?
Now we come to the point. To find out whether the mind is something totally
different from the organism, you have to have a mind that sees very clearly, a
mind that has no distortion, a mind that is not confused, a mind that is not
conforming. Have you got such a mind? When you conform, then you compare.
When you compare yourself with somebody, you are conforming. To find out
whether you can live without conforming is to find out whether you can live
without comparison. Comparing yourself with what you were yesterday or what
you will be tomorrow or comparing yourself with the rich man, the poor man,
with the saint, with your hero, with the ideal means measuring yourself against
somebody or an idea. Find out what it means to have no comparison. Then you
are free; then the mind is completely free of its conditioning.
Then you can ask if there is something in the quality of the mind that is not
conditioned by the physical. Are you following all this?

Q: I want to be enlightened, sir.

K: You are going to be enlightened, sir, if you listen. You will find out, if you

Q: Everyone can’t find it out for himself. There are millions of interactions. I
want others to find out because I am unable to find out.

K: Sir, to find the truth of this matter, one must not follow anybody. Philosophy
means the love of truth, not the love of theories, not the love of speculations, not
the love of beliefs, but the love of truth, and truth isn’t yours or mine, and
therefore you cannot follow anybody. Realize this basic fact that truth cannot be
found through another, that you have to have eyes to see it. You have to have
eyes to see it. It may be there with a dead leaf, but you have to see it. And to
offer an opinion about it is the most ridiculous nonsense. Only fools give
opinions. We are not dealing with opinion. We are concerned with the fact of
whether the mind has a quality, or a state or an inwardness, that is not touched by
the physical. That is the question you are putting: whether the mind is
independent of the body; whether the mind is beyond all the petty, nationalistic,
religious limitations. Find that out for yourself, not according to what I say, what
the speaker has to say. The speaker has no importance. To find that out, you have
to be extraordinarily alert and watchful. You have to become aware, sensitive.
Do you understand, sir? To be very sensitive means to be very intelligent. And
then you will find out if you go into it very, very deeply that there is something
which is never touched by thought or by the past.
You know, thought is matter. Thought is the response of memory, and
memory is in the brain cells themselves; it is matter. If the brain cells can be
completely quiet, then only you will find out. But to say that there is or there is
not something has no meaning. To find out, you give your life to this, as you give
your life to earning a livelihood on which you spend many hours day after day

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