Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

of what is false, because, after all, the function of the brain is to perceive clearly,
to see what is false. When you see that the whole traditional approach of gradual
becoming as a process is totally false, then your mind has clarity. Has your mind
now, as you are listening, sharing this together, seen very clearly that time
involves effort? Effort means contradiction between the observer and the
observed; between the thinker and the thought it has placed an idea to be
achieved. And where there is division there must be conflict, just as division
between the Hindu and the Muslim invites conflict. That is clear. Now, can the
mind see directly the falseness of this idea of gradualness, see it as clearly as you
see this microphone, so that the mind will never touch it at all? When we see the
danger of an animal, of a serpent, or a savage beast, the very seeing of it is
instant action.
So, perception involves a mind that is not caught in the bondage of time. Do
please understand this. Once you understand this fact, your whole structure of
thought changes. Perception and understanding don’t involve time at all. What is
involved is seeing clearly, and to see clearly you must have space—not only
outward but inward space. That means space in the mind. You know, when the
mind is chattering, it is filled with knowledge—knowledge being the past, apart
from technological knowledge which is obvious and necessary—when the mind
is crowded with knowledge of yesterday, the events of yesterday, the pain of
yesterday, the various remembrances of yesterday, there is no space; and where
there is no space there is conflict.
One of the factors of violence in the world is overpopulation. In a crowded
city when every street is full of people there is no space. And people need space.
I have been told by a friend about experiments made on rats. When many of them
were put in a very small space, they fought each other; the mother destroyed the
babies; there was complete disorientation. And that’s what is happening in the
world, that’s what is happening in every large town that is overcrowded,
overpopulated. One of the factors is lack of space outwardly. Another factor is
that when the mind and the brain are burdened with so many memories, so many
experiences, which are knowledge, there is no space at all. And you need space.
What is the factor that prevents the mind from having immense space?
Are you following all this? Are you merely following the words or are you
actually following it, investigating it in yourself because you see that you are the
world and the world is you? Part of you is the culture in which you have lived,
and to change the structure of society radically you have to change yourself,
because you are part of that culture. If you are confused, violent in yourself, what
you construct as society will be violent, confused, ugly. If you are corrupt, you
will produce a corrupt society.
You need space so that conflict ends inwardly. Have you ever watched your
own mind objectively, looked at how restless it is, chattering, remembering? You
know the endless noise that goes on, moving from one ridiculous thought to
another ridiculous thought, so crowded, confused. How does this happen? Do
please follow it, not the speaker. Watch yourself, follow yourself, investigate into
yourself. Why? Why is the mind never empty, and therefore full of space and the
beauty of space? You know, when you look from a hilltop or from a vast plain,

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